
Eurosystems motor-brushes are mainly designed for the cleaning and maintenance of artificial turf, they are developed to restore the synthetic lawn preserving its elasticity and its aesthtics qualities, thus making it last over time. Our motor-brushes are robust and really easy to use, offering a considerable comfort and safety level .


    Compact and simple to use, Sandy is a wire electric brush designed for the maintenance of synthetic grass; the brush is designed to level the bottom of the field and to easily lift the blades of grass while keeping the synthetic turf beautiful and soft over time.

    Compatta e performante, eSweepy è una motospazzola a batteria progettata principalmente per la pulizia e la manutenzione del prato sintetico anche indoor; la spazzola, registrabile in altezza, permette infatti di ravvivare il pelo del prato pulendo e raccogliendo al contempo residui di vario genere. Il sacco di raccolta è disponibile in due versioni, una standard ed una con setaccio, utile per campi che presentano riempimento a sabbia o granuli.

    Compact and with high performance, Sweepy is a motor brush which was mainly designed for the cleaning and the maintenance of synthetic lawn; the adjustable height brush allows the user to revive the synthetic lawn turf by cleaning and collecting various kinds of residues. The collection bag is available in two versions : 1) standard one and 2) with sieve, which is useful for fields showing filling materials like sand or plastic granules.